Single-click a selected shortcut to enter edit mouse using the mouse. Press F2 when an action is selected to edit its first shortcut. Press Esc when the dialog has focus to close it. The dialog is not modal so you can leave it open and to the side while working. Double-click an action to trigger it but NOT close the dialog. Shift, Ctrl, or Alt + Return/Enter on a selected action to trigger it and NOT close the dialog. Press Return/Enter on a selected action to trigger it and close the dialog. Press Return/Enter within search to move focus to the list of actions. Searches both action name and shortcut. / is also a default shortcut, and either shortcut can be changed. item in the Help menu and takes its keyboard shortcut ?. Provides a unified action search and shortcut editor. Added snapping to the playhead to Keyframes. Added Fisheye video filter (see its presets). gpx in the same folder as the video file with the same name but different exension. Added the gopro2gpx utility to let you export a GPX file from a GoPro video using Properties > menu > Export GPX. Added the GPS Graphic video filter (see its presets). Show audio-clips without album art as a checkboard for transparent instead of white. Added limited support for reading WebP Animation. OpenGL GPU-based image processing with 16-bit floating point linear per color component. Multi-core parallel image processing (when not using GPU and frame-dropping is disabled). Capture (record) SDI, HDMI, webcam (V4L2), JACK audio, PulseAudio, IP stream, X11 screen, and Windows DirectShow devices. Blackmagic Design SDI and HDMI for input and preview monitoring. Alpha Channel: Adjust, Alpha Channel: View, Blur, Brightness, Chroma Key: Advanced, Chroma Key: Simple, Contrast, Color Grading, Crop, Diffusion, Glow, Invert Colors, Key Spill: Advanced, Key Spill: Simple, Mirror, Old Film: Dust, Old Film: Grain, Old Film: Projector, Old Film: Scratches, Old Film: Technocolor, Opacity, Rotate, Rutt-Etra-Izer, Saturation, Sepia Tone, Sharpen, Size and Position, Stabilize, Text, Vignette, Wave, White Balance. Over, Add, Saturate, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Darken, Dodge, Burn, Hard Light, Soft Light, Difference, Exclusion, HSL Hue, HSL Saturation, HSL Color, HSL Luminosity. bar, barn door, box, clock (radial), diagonal, iris, matrix, and custom gradient image.
Fade in/out audio and fade video from and to black with easy-to-use fader controls on timeline.Eye dropper tool to pick neutral color for white balancing.
3-way (shadows, mids, highlights) color wheels for color correction and grading.HTML5 (sans audio and video) as video source and filters.